My Struggle Of Holding On To My Own Money

This year has been a turning point for me and my wallet. I am not normally the type of person who really tries to save money or live debt free, but that all changed this year. I am no expert and I am no where near where I want to be, but this site is going to be a collection of my own rants and thoughts on things…

I am at the time I am writing this, 30 years old nearing 31. I am still in debt considerably . One of those debts is my car I am okay with that one, because I get use out of it every single day and I really needed a new one. I bought it less than 2 years ago. It’s a Kia Soul nothing majorly hard to afford. Granted I now say that I will never buy a new car again due to payments…but I am very happy with the car itself.

I have at this time about 1700 USD $ left to pay off on my last credit card. I have it set up that I can’t even borrow anymore on it. I can transfer funds from it if I HAD to but it’s such a pain to even do that, I wouldn’t unless it was something worth doing. I think that has been helpful for me. Cutting off the root of it. Making it hard to borrow the money in the first place but it’s not enough…

I have learned this is a lifestyle change, and if my 1,700 credit card bill seems high to you. Let me explain that I was in way more debt than that. That 1,700 is the results of YEARS of trying to get my act together, and as noted I am not expert. I am not fit to give advice you might even say…but I do have a few lumps on my head that may be worth your time.

It is safe to say I have learned things the hard way, I never saw the money world for the game it is until recently. So many people live in this trap of consume and consume some more. It never ends. One year they have you wanting this new shiny thing and the next year,  you are wanting another shiny thing that does exactly what the last did!

I personally have had enough and I try (and often fail) to hold on to my money the best that I can now. If you think about it, we only make so much an hour and the common man says to himself “I need to make more money!” There is nothing wrong with that but it is easier said than done! Not too many people will say what can I cut out? What don’t I really need? It’s hard sure…but there are ways around certain things. You don’t have to pay for entertainment nearly as much as you think you would, and I’m not talking about some BS go to the park and enjoy nature crap!

I’m talking movies, music, and video games. All for free. You just need a computer…and an internet connection. That however is a post for another time!


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